AI in Marketing: How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Industry Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way businesses approach marketing. From automating repetitive tasks to providing valuable insights, AI is helping companies to reach new heights of efficiency and effectiveness in their marketing efforts. One of the biggest advantages of Continue Reading
Employer Brands and The Real Reason Elon Musk talks about Mars.
A few years ago, on a course at The London Stock Exchange, I was introduced to the concept of Employer Brand Strategies. This was something new to me, which I found especially surprising, as I have spent so much of my career developing, implementing, learning about, writing about, and talking Continue Reading
The future of Brand Purpose in a Purpose-washed world
According to “80% of Purpose-led brands outperform the market” According to Deloitte Insights “Purpose-driven companies… grow three times faster on average than their competitors” According to Forbes “Consumers are 4-6x more likely to purchase, protect and champion purpose-driven companies” And therein may lie the problem… the cat is out Continue Reading
An introduction to Behavioural Economics
About 10 to 15 years ago “everyone” was talking about Behavioral Economics. (Obviously by “everyone” I mean a select few people in marketing and business circles, but it was a big thing). Dan Ariely published “Predictably Irrational” in 2008, which was the first book I read on the subject, in Continue Reading
A very very simple introduction to brand strategy
For this very very simple intro to brand strategy I’m going to use an example that I have used quite a few times in talks and coaching sessions. Every time I use it I am quite surprised how many people get the answer ‘wrong’. Apologies in advance for the very Continue Reading
Russell Crowe and Oliver Reed teach marketing – Are you not entertained?
What is marketing? There is no defintive answer to this, despite the billions spent on it every year. The American Marketing Association gives the definition, “Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society Continue Reading
How do brands really grow?: Seth Godin Vs Byron Sharp
I’m a huge fan of business books and have probably read more than I ever needed to, some I have loved, some… not so much. Some I liked the main idea, some I didn’t, but me liking the arguments and them being right are very very far from the same Continue Reading
The biggest mistake in writing company slogans
The biggest companies in the world all have slogans, so you should have one for your company too… right? Maybe… maybe not. We all know the slogans or tag lines of the big, successful companies: McDonalds – I’m lovin’ it Nike – Just Do It KFC – Finger Lickin’ Good Continue Reading
9 Tips to grow your business
5 ways to name a brand
There is no right or wrong way to name a company or a brand. There are plenty of successful brands with terrible names (Google!!!) and plenty of brands with great names and no success. The 5 points below describe 5 different approaches. In very basic terms, the higher up the Continue Reading
How to create a basic marketing strategy
There are no people out there desperate for your product or service, despite what you may think. However groundbreaking/ incredible/ amazing your product or service may be, people who don’t know about it are probably getting on OK without it, in blissful ignorance. Before the car people were happy to Continue Reading
How the World’s best marketing minds can help your store