Guy Blaskey featured in The Times, Your Ready Business and in a promotional video as part of Ready Business Britain.
Online article
Your Ready Business caught up with Guy Blaskey, one of the five winners of the Ready Business Mentor Scheme who won a mentorship with’sfounder Sophie Cornish. As an entrepreneur and founder of Pooch & Mutt, an award-winning and ethical dog food brand, Guy shares how he navigated the highs and lows of getting his products stocked in major UK retailers such as Waitrose, Pets at Home and Amazon.
For many small businesses getting stocked by a large supermarket is the dream, but many of them don’t fully understand how the process works or what it involves. It’s complicated and hard-fought, and it’s not good enough just to have a strong product.
Supermarkets do not have never-ending shelves, so in order to stock your product they have to remove someone else’s to make room. The item in the firing line might be a major brand with a proven track record, so you must do more than convince them that your creation works.
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